– Director of Databases, Major North American Automobile Manufacturer
Minimizing the expenses associated with conducting business operations is a key objective for any enterprise that seeks to enhance its profitability, particularly for technology-oriented establishments. CIOs and CTOs are tasked with defining processes that reduce TCO and ultimately generate cost savings. This infographic covers four approaches that IT leaders can adopt to reduce TCO.
Amid global macroeconomic uncertainty, companies are constantly searching for ways to reduce costs. Optimizing the total cost of ownership (TCO) remains a high priority for all business leaders. One approach that companies are adopting to reduce TCO is the transition from proprietary software to open source database solutions. Below are three approaches to reduce TCO.
Lower your TCO costs dramatically, and reap the benefits of open source.
The restrictions and drawbacks of legacy proprietary databases like Oracle have never been clearer—especially in contrast to the freedom and innovation offered by Postgres.
IT leaders are looking to expand the potential of their databases through the cloud, Kubernetes and other powerful technologies. Unfortunately, Oracle is holding businesses back and limiting their ability to innovate.
Businesses across industries are turning to open source solutions to power their database management systems. For organizations invested in modernization, digital transformation, and innovation, open source and Postgres make perfect sense.