Discover PostGIS: Add Spatial functions to PostgreSQL
June 10, 2020
10:30am India | 12:00pm Indonesia | 1:00pm Singapore | 2:00pm Japan/S. Korea | 3:00 Australia EST
PostGIS is an open-source, freely available spatial database extension for the PostgreSQL Database Management System. PostGIS adds spatial functions such as distance, area, union, intersection, and specialty geometry data types to PostgreSQL.
To help you with answers to questions like ‘how many people logged on to your website’ or ‘how many transactions have been made in an online store’, PostGIS helps get you the answers. One example of enterprise use of PostGIS is by local government organizations (e.g. city councils) who use PostGIS to calculate business rates/land taxes for land ownership/use.
Attend this webinar to better understand:
Mansur Shaikh, Sales Engineer, EnterpriseDB